时间:2024年03月04日 15:00-
摘要:The idea of amplifications, dating back at least to van der Corput, Vinogradov, Kloosterman and Selberg, is quite elementary in the sense that one embeds the object of interests into a suitable family, and the individual information can be reflected on average. Such observations turns out to be very powerful in the developments of sieve methods, estimates for oscillatory sums (exponential and character sums) and L-function theory. In this talk, we aim to give a short survey on the underlying ideas, and some recent applications to the above three typical objects will also be discussed.
简介:郗平,西安交通大学教授、博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者。主要研究领域为数论,涉及代数迹函数的解析理论、素数分布、筛法及自守形式等方面的研究。研究成果发表于Inventiones mathematicae、Compositio Mathematica、Algebra & Number Theory、International Mathematics Research Notices等国际数学期刊。